Venturers (Ages 15 - 17)
Developing life skills to climb the mountain of their goals and reach their personal summit, Venturers aged 15-17 embark on greater expeditions and acquire real-world experiences that prepare them for future success.
The Venturer program focuses on outdoor and environmental activities, citizenship and community service, leadership and personal development and includes a variety of activities:
Rock Climbing
Mountain Biking
International Travel
Community Service
Hands-On experience
Global Worldview
Active & Healthy Living
Venturer Company Meeting Information
Thursdays @ 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Helen Schuler Nature Center
300 Indian Battle Road South
Lethbridge, AB
Leadership Skills
Orienteering Challenges
Leadership Skills
On my honour
I promise that I will do my best,
To respect my country and my beliefs,
To help other people at all times,
And to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.
A Scout is helpful and trustworthy,
kind and cheerful,
considerate and clean,
and wise in the use of all resources.
Program Information
The Outdoor Adventure Skills program is an invitation for Scouts to try something new—to be outside more, testing themselves with progressive challenges while remaining within their capabilities to stay safe. In short, it’s about having life-changing experiences.
Each Outdoor Adventure Skills pathway is divided into nine stages with a badge awarded for each stage; however, the purpose of the OAS program is not the badge. Rather, the Outdoor Adventure Skills should be seen as tools to support the Plan-Do-Review process—for example, organizing an activity that matches the level of skills that the participants have, or evaluating the amount of growth a person experienced in a particular skill set they wanted to expand on.
Venturers work towards the summit with yearly challenges and goals. The Venturer Scout personal journey is all about setting goals using a Plan-Do-Review process. It is through these challenges that Venturer Scouts make their way from Tree Line to Snow Line, eventually reaching the Summit.
Progression through the Personal Journey does not have minimum or maximum time requirements. Venturer Scouts should progress at their own pace. Scouters and other Venturer Scouts can provide advice on increasing or reducing the difficulty of a specific challenge; however, the decision about what challenges to pursue ultimately belongs to an individual Venturer Scout. The most important piece is that their progress is reviewed by themselves, other Venturer Scouts and Scouters
The Trailhead
The Trailhead is the base of the mountain and the beginning of the youth’s path in Venturer Scouts. A youth who has come from Scouts, or who has recently joined Scouting, starts work towards the Trailhead right away. A Venturer Scout reaches the Trailhead of his or her Solo Climb and is invested as a member of the Company when he or she has completed the following:
Knows and understands the principles of Scouting, including the Venturer Promise,Law and Motto.
Learns how a Venturer Company works and joins an expedition to do something interesting.
Sets 6 goals, one in each of the program areas.
The Treeline
The Tree Line marks the progress (approximately one year's worth) that Venturer Scouts have made as they journey along their Solo Climbs. A Venturer reaches the Tree Line at the completion of the following:
Achieve six goals, at least one in each of the Program Areas.
Either lead an expedition or co-lead an expedition with another Venturer Scout.
Review the work done to reach the Tree Line and what was learned along the way, with a specific focus on development in the SPICES.
Set six new goals, at least one in each of the Program Areas.
The Snowline
The Snow Line climb represents the middle milestone of a youth’s journey through Venturer Scouts. At this stage, the majority of the Solo Climb is complete. Once a Venturer Scout has reached his or her Tree Line, he or she will begin working towards the Snow Line. The Snow Line is all about achieving the goals a Venturer Scout has set and embarking on a new set of goals. A Venturer Scout reaches the Snow Line upon completing of the following:
Achieve six goals—one in each of the Program Areas.
Lead at least one expedition with another Venturer Scout. Review the work done to reach the Snow Line, and what was learned along the way.
Set at least six new big goals, at least one in each of the Program Areas. These goals should carry into your life beyond Scouting and help you to continue to develop as an individual.
Complete at least one linking activity with a Scout Troop in your Area.
The Snowline
Reaching the Summit marks the last Venturer chapter of The Canadian Path. This may be the culminating adventure of the Venturer Scout journey, but it marks the entrance into the final stage of the Venturer Scout program, as the Venturer Scout prepares for Rovers. Attaining the Summit represents the completion of the goals set by an individual for what he or she wanted to achieve in Venturer Scouts. The Summit is also where a Venturer Scout completes his or her final review of his or her climb through the Section before embarking on whatever new adventures lay ahead.
Achieve the six big goals. These should either be the goals set at the Snow Line, or comparable adaptations made as the Venturer climbs.
Help at least three other Venturer Scouts complete one of the goals they’ve set for themselves.
Lead or co-lead at least two expeditions. At least one expedition must be led independently.
Review the most recent part of your journey in Venturer Scouts and in Scouting, the work done to reach the Summit and what you learned along the way.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award program is a non-competitive program in which participants set and achieve personal goals for community service, skills, fitness and adventure. It is a great way to explore new interests and try new challenges you might not have done otherwise, and even stretch your comfort zone. The Award is open to all young Canadians who are between 14 and 24 years of age.
The Awards has three levels:
BRONZE (for ages 14 years and up)
SILVER (for ages 15 years and up)
GOLD (for ages 16 years and up)
Participants can expect to spend at least six months completing the Bronze level, and a year or more on Silver or Gold, depending on whether the participant registers as a direct entry or continues from one level to the next. You must complete your Award before your 25th birthday.
Many of the goals of the Duke of Edinburgh and The Canadian Path are the same. Those Scouting youth or Sections who wish to earn the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award can easily focus their activities to meet the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award requirements. Achievements and activities for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will count toward achievement on The Canadian Path, including Outdoor Adventure Skills and the Queen’s Venturer Scout Award.
Queen Vent Award
This very special top section award is awarded to a Venturer who has completed a personal progression review, 24 OAS badges, 60 community service hours, one community service project that is personally challenging, and a final review of the Award Project with the Company or its designates.
Meet the Vent Advisor Team
Scouter Moira
Moira enjoys her day job as a Registered Veterinary Technologist at the University of Lethbridge, but she has FUN in Scouting. Her journey with our Beaver Colony started in 2012 with her asking a simple question of “What does it take to be a Beaver Scouter?”. Since then, she has been very involved with the Colony and Group - and has enjoyed every minute of it (possibly because she secretly dreamed of being a teacher and is a bit crazy about organization). In her spare time, Moira likes to geocache, cook and spend time with (in no particular order) her hubby Nathan, son Alex and dog Tsunami. Fun facts: Before becoming a Scouter, the last time she slept in a tent (or went camping) was in Brownies! Moira has recently learned how to shoot a bow and arrow and has discovered that she really enjoys archery!
Scouter Nathan
Nathan joined our group in 2015 as a Troop Scouter and our Group Quartermaster (managing our group equipment). With advanced wilderness training, Nathan brings lots of skills and knowledge to our group. He enjoys the outdoors and makes sure that our Troop has lots of adventures outside. Fun Fact: Nathan was a Cub Scout in his home town of Kamloops, BC.